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For his Eagle Scout Service Project, Sweetwater resident Jack Woelfel, 16, collected more than 4,800 new and gently used books from his neighbors for Libraries of Love. It was the largest donation ever received by this Pflugerville-based nonprofit, which promotes literacy in Africa.

Principal Angela Page comes to Rough Hollow with 25 years of experience as a teacher and school administrator, with a strong track record of empowering students, enhancing academics and promoting a culture of continuous improvement.

With overwhelming voter approval of Lake Travis ISD’s $143 million bond package, Lake Travis High School and Lake Travis Middle School are set for major upgrades to their athletics facilities, including raising Cavalier Stadium’s permanent seating capacity to 12,000.

We’ve rounded up the latest rankings and other highlights for LTISD and schools serving Sweetwater from leading organizations including Texas Education Agency, Niche, U.S. News and more, with links to the complete data.

With the Hiking Club, Sweetwater residents can meet neighbors while exploring the community’s seven beautiful trails, along with activities in the surrounding Hill Country. The hikes are led by resident Rosemary Borthwick and her Australian Shepherd, Bonnie, who both love the outdoors.

With A+ grades for academics and college prep, Lake Travis ISD is the No. 2 ranked school district in Travis County in the 2022 school rankings from Niche. The Lake Travis ISD campuses serving Sweetwater are also highly rated.

Highly regarded for academics and athletics, the Lake Travis Independent School District serving Sweetwater’s K-12 students scores high in rankings from Niche, US News and other organizations. We rounded up some of the latest rankings for 2021 for our blog.

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