23 March . 2012
Sweetwater's Builders Open for Business
Home buyers are so eager for information about what’s available at Sweetwater that most of our builders are opening temporary sales offices on site now, rather than waiting until their models are completed.
If you come out to Sweetwater this weekend, you’ll find representatives of Coventry Homes and David Weekley Homes here, ready to discuss your home needs and show you their Sweetwater plans. Sales office hours are: Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, noon-6 p.m.
Or you can call any of our builders at anytime to schedule an appointment:
- Ashton Woods Homes: (512) 296-1590
- Coventry Homes: (512) 574-3103
- David Weekley Homes: (512) 821-8818
- Ryland Homes: (512) 565-7401
- Taylor Morrison: (512) 554-5198
It’s a great time to talk to our builders because all of them are offering special pre-construction prices.
You’ll find Sweetwater on Hwy 71, five minutes west of Ranch Road 620.