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26 January . 2018

Empty nest? Check out these wonderful resources for life’s new chapter

Whether your nest is already empty, or it’s something you’re bracing yourself for, take heart. Today’s empty nesters are living life to the fullest.

Instead of staring sadly at their kids’ vacant rooms, today’s empty nesters are more likely to get busy redecorating, according to a recent survey.

A whopping 95 percent of respondents from ages 40-70 said they were excited to enjoy more free time during the empty nester stage of their lives, the survey found. Eighty percent said they looked forward to planning dream vacations and socializing with friends.

Empty nesters are also becoming a force in the new-home market. In a survey, they represented the second largest group of buyers expected to drive housing gains in 2018, according to a survey of builders in 36 major markets.

At Sweetwater, we’re excited to be planning a new neighborhood designed especially for empty nesters – more on that to come.

For now, here are some great web resources for those enjoying their empty nester status now, or looking forward to it in the near future.

The New York Times offers this article on "How to Thrive in an Empty Nest."

Filled with articles and advice on everything from design to activities, Our Empty Nest blends empty nester advice with a modern focus on living well and simply.

When it comes to searching for a new home and community, empty nesters strongly prefer one-story floor plans and active communities. Use our Homefinder to find that perfect single-story home in Sweetwater, and learn more about our fun-filled lifestyle.

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