10 January . 2018
Explore Sweetwater’s trails virtually with new SkyNav tour
When you’re walking along a nature trail, do you like to look up at the canopy of trees and sky above, or do you like to keep your eyes on the ground to enjoy the rocks, moss and other beautiful details?
With Sweetwater’s new SkyNav Virtual Reality feature, you can experience all the sights along some of the most scenic stretches of our 10-mile trail system, in 360-degree virtual reality. You can also enjoy the soothing natural sounds of birds, babbling water and breezes.
In addition to exploring the trails, you can fly over the Sweetwater Club, the Sunset Pavilion and more community landmarks and neighborhoods.
“With SkyNav, you can explore the community at your own pace and at your own convenience,” said Ty Downing, CEO of SISDigital, which created SkyNav. “SkyNav is a game changer for consumers to join the next generation of immersive experience, and we believe it will be a powerful addition to the website experience.”
Ready to take a SkyNav tour of Sweetwater’s trails and other amenities? Start here.