22 January . 2019
Dog showers are a home design trend to watch in 2019
The experts at Realtor.com have come up with 10 interior design trends they think you’ll see everywhere in 2019. Among daring designs such as black kitchens, pink walls and contrasting tile and grout, Realtor.com includes an extremely practical trend: dog showers.
Listing dog showers as the final one of its 10 trends, Realtor.com says, “The best for last. Expect 2019 to go to the dogs – in the cutest way possible.”
“Since dogs are our family members, I think this is a trend we’ll see more of,” says designer Linda Wagner in the Realtor.com article. “The ability to walk your dog into a wet space and clean them up is a quick and easy solution.”
The article notes that dog showers are usually in the vicinity of the mudroom or laundry room. They don’t take up much square footage, and doors are unnecessary.
At Sweetwater, we were slightly ahead of the trend, with Chesmar’s Ryder model home featuring a convenient dog shower in the laundry room.
The shower has a raised floor that’s just high enough for any dog to conveniently jump up or be lifted up and the height makes it easier to wash Fido everywhere. An extendable handheld showerhead completes the convenience.
A framed print reading “Anyone Who Doesn’t Know What Soap Tastes Like Has Never Washed A Dog” adds a bit of whimsy – and truth.